Saturday, July 4, 2009

Don't they generally have the legal department take care of this?

So, apparently the number featured in Soulja Boy's inane hit "Kiss Me Through the Phone" actually belongs to someone.

Now, I'm going to put aside the fact that I think Soulja Boy may be the worst rapper in the history of the genre, and that he's so awful he should probably be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, for just a second.

Who was asleep at the switch here?

We all know that Soulja Boy is about as street credible as Wonder Bread, and that he's just as artificial and manufactured as The Backstreet Boys were. It stands to reason, then, that he has some sort of massive legal team behind him. They're probably the one's who had to vet his shoe deal. So why didn't any of his lawyers stop and make sure that the phone number in the song wasn't an actual phone number?

If that number rang up some Americans, as opposed to Brits, Soulja Boy would be getting the oversized pants sued off him.

Don't get me wrong, if I wrote a song and it needed a phone number, I'd just stick any old shit in there to. But then again, I wouldn't expect it to be a major hit, let alone the ringtone of choice for every fifteen year-old girl on the planet. Fact of the matter is, it's not like it was for Tommy Tutone in '80s, where he just implied that some slut named Jenny could be reached at 867-5309 and everyone was cool with it. For better or worse, this is a litigious age we're living in, and if you're as famous as Mr. Boy is, you need to have your wits about you.

In the immortal words of Chris Jericho, "Do your fucking job!"

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