Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Get Fresh Tuesday... er, Wednesday, well, it's pretty well Thursday by now

This is why I'm shit as a blogger. No consistency at all. I have no idea how some motherfuckers manage to post every day.

Anyway, onward and upward with some new newness.

1) "I'm Not Sorry" - thecocknbullkid, from YouTube via Tastes Like Caramel

Have I mentioned how I'm a total, unapologetic Anglophile yet? Well, here's yet another reason why I should just get my work visa in order and emigrate to the UK now. If Dave Jolicoeur from De La Soul and Sade had a daughter and raised her on a steady diet of early '80s British synthpop, she'd probably wind up sounding a lot like thecocknbullkid.

Britain has sent scores of female vocalists across the pond over the past half-decade -- Adele, Estelle, Duffy, Amy Winehouse -- but thecocknbullkid takes that vocal style and weds it to MIA's dancefloor-ready weirdness to create something that's next-level fun.

Apparently her debut EP has been out in the UK for a couple months now, but is due for a North American release early next month. Keep an eye out.

2) "Hyph Mngo" - Joy Orbison, from YouTube via The Guardian Music Blog

I'm not really sure what genre this is, the good folks at The Guardian seem to think it's some weird variant on dubstep, and they generally know more than me, so I'll accept that definition. I'm also not sure what "Hyph Mngo" means.

I am sure that this song makes me want to go to some dingy basement club, get lit up on bad drugs, and dance with my head in the speaker. It is, as they say in my native Scarborough, a blood claat big tune.

3) "Lil' Hipster Girl" - LMFAO, from Kickin' the Peanuts

A lot of people front like they hate hipsters. I don't. I'm jealous of them

Truth be told, I'm half way to hipster myself. I just don't have the body type/level of bravery required to pull off the outfits or the time and energy to dedicate to cool hunting. Or the necessary level of ironic detachment. If I could be a hipster, I would. I'm just too old, fat, and lazy.

LMFAO may be the ultimate hipster band. Forget Chromeo, forget ARE Weapons, this is it. The Alpha and Omega of hipstertronica. Their whole look and sound seems to be one giant, funny ironic pose. If you've ever made anti-Semitic wisecracks while chilling with a group of friends that's 90 per cent Jewish, or walked around acting like a tremendous jock douche as a send-up of tremendous jock douches, you understand what LMFAO are all about. It's like those jokes took on a life of their own and decided to start a band.

Not surprisingly, LMFAO are dope in small doses, but I'm not beating down doors to cop their full length debut Party Rock. I feel like if I had to listen to an entire album, I'd need to spend the next six hours listening to Fugazi or something equally earnest to restore balance.

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