Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Get Fresh Tuesday...

1) "Cearadactylus" - DiskJokke, from Feel My Bicep

DiskJokke is the alter-ego of Norwegian producer Joachim Dyrdahl. To be totally honest, I don't know that much about him, except that he did an amazing remix of Metronomy's "Heartbreaker" last year, he makes songs with titles like "Cearadactylus," "Tungvekter" and "I Was Go to Morocco and I Don't See You," and he shares a country with Röyksopp, which almost counts as an endorsement in my books.

"Cearadactylus" is a good dance tune, but it's not a full-fledged freak-out stomper. Instead, it chugs along at a medium pace, with some nifty conga-type percussion thrown in for good measure. If I was DJing a party, this would definitely be something I'd play at the beginning of the evening to start lifting people's spirits.

2) "Right Hand Hi" - Kid Sister, from Kunk - Budapest

If there's one thing that's remarkable about Kid Sister, it's how she's managed to be so successful with so little recorded material. It's that it's been almost three years since she first became indie-famous, two years since she released her first single, a year since she received mainstream recognition thanks to collaboration with Kanye on the single "Pro Nails," and she still has yet to release an album.

"Right Hand Hi" is the fourth single off her still-unreleased debut album Ultraviolet, which is now set to come out in October on Fool's Gold. If you expected Kid to come out with another song about drinking, fucking and destroying, you guessed right. While "Right Hand Hi" doesn't have the same level of lyricism as some of her other work, it makes up for it with an anthemic chorus, bouncy beats, and synth-riffs that get stuck in your head for days.

3) "Bianca" - Guy J, from MySpace

Guy J's trippy brand of electro-house has lead me to two conclusions.

One, I was born either ten years too early or ten years too late. Generation X had acid house, which I love. Even though I was entirely too young to be part of the dawn of the rave scene, "Move Any Mountain" is still one of my favourite songs ever. Generation Y, meanwhile, has all that Justice/Simian Mobile Disco blog house stuff, which I love, but I distinctly feel old any time I'm in a venue where they play it.

Two, Israelis are awesome. Far too many people only associate Israel with the country's ongoing political trouble, which is unfair. If I lived in a country that dispossessed hundreds of thousands of people of their land, denied them full citizenship rights, and stuck them in squalid, remote camps, I wouldn't want to be judged by my government's actions.

Wait, never mind.

But all political humour aside, pretty much every Israeli I've known has partied like it's their job, and only held a job to subsidize their party habit. These people know how to have a good time. They think nothing of not going out until 2 a.m., and not coming home until 7. On a Tuesday. I'm not saying the entire nation of Israel is like this, just that there's a significant contingent. It's no surprise, then, that when they make party music, it's well above average.

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